Paul Higdon

Our Collaboration

As I came to learn about John’s amazing life, I knew I had to tell his story. The book was created through a close collaboration between John and me. We spent countless hours in the slums visiting the places that were important in his life. When I returned home, we continued talking weekly via WhatsApp. … Read More


Street kids like these follow their imaginations into a world of play. They also deserve a world of opportunity. That is why all proceeds that I derive from the sale of this book will be dedicated to supporting street boys, orphans and vulnerable children, a continuation of my philanthropic work for nearly 20 years. Share … Read More

John and I

Welcome to my new author site, or perhaps I should say “aspiring-to-be-published new author” site. Hope and a Future is the true story of the remarkable life of John Maina, a street boy from the slums of in Nairobi, Kenya, and the profound impact he has had on my life. The manuscript is fully written … Read More